Wednesday 18 May 2016

OUGD505 Product Range Distribution - Reflection (Studio Brief Two)

This project went really successfully and I thoroughly enjoyed each and every aspect. This was due to the freedom of the brief. The brief was very vague, and therefore I was able to interpret it in a way that really appealed and interested me. I decided to base the brief on the Save the Bees campaign, which is a campaign I closely follow and really care about. 

I’m really happy with each product that I have created for this project. I spent a lot of time and energy trying to get the perfect outcomes and I think it really shows. My personal favourite outcome is definitely the logo design and packaging, as I believe they compliment each other really well and they are very consistent, as is the rest of the project.

The part of this project that I really struggled with was picking a specific topic at the beginning of the brief. As it was such a vague brief, there were so many different paths that could’ve been taking and it stumped me as to which direction I should take my project. However, once I had an idea and had committed to that idea, I really enjoyed undertaking this project. 

I really enjoyed the analogue side to this project, and upon reflection I wish I had taken it further. Myself and screen printing have a love and hate relationship, however for this project it went very well and I am extremely pleased with the t-shirts that I created. Another part of this project that I really enjoyed was the logo design as I found it really challenging. This is something that I definitely want to explore further in third year, as I enjoy keeping things simple even though it can be very challenging at times.

A part of this project I didn’t enjoy was creating a website. I’m not a huge fan of design for screen as I find it very difficult and confusing, however I don’t think my project would be as strong without a website, as there wouldn’t be any more information available about the saving the bees concept.

Overall, this project was really enjoyable. If I had more time, I would’ve liked to create posters and leaflets that would’ve been screen printed. I would’ve also tried screen printing the packaging design onto acetate with white ink, as this is something that would’ve made my project a lot stronger.

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