Tuesday 10 May 2016

OUGD505 Product Range Distribution - Production & Distribution (Studio Brief Two)


The target audience for this brief was a very wide demographic. Feedback originally suggested that the demographic should be people who enjoy gardening, however the concept of the brief changed after this feedback. The target audience for the brief was, instead, aimed at people who enjoy eating healthily. There wasn't an age limit on this due to healthy eaters varying in ages.

The style of design was influenced by modernist design, as the packaging, logo design and other products were very focused on negative space, which symbolised the depletion of the bee population; the body copy represented the bees, whereas the negative space represented the bees that have already disappeared. The design was kept clean, minimal and almost scientific, which represented the fact that the bees have depleted in numbers due to chemicals and pesticides used on plants.

The stock chosen was also chosen very carefully. The stock for the publications was recycled paper, as this is environmentally friendly and therefore in favour of the cause and campaign. It's consistent. The plastic bottle chosen for the packaging is also consistent with this as it is 100% recyclable plastic.


The publications created for this project have been digitally printed and use CMYK colours, which means that the publications could be printed inexpensively using a lithoprinter.

The packaging design is limited to the use of black. This means it would be very cost effective and could also be printed with a lithoprinter. It could also be screen printed, which would make it even more inexpensive.

The products could easily be distributed because of these print methods.

The LookBook publication would be a free zine and would be available and health food stores such as Holland & Barrett and Waitrose. It would also be available to view online on websites such as ISSUU. This would help spread the concept and idea behind the brand inexpensively, and would also create traffic for the website as people would want to find out more about the brand.

The recipe publication would be for sale on the website, but could also be distributed at retailers such as Urban Outfitters, WH Smiths or Waterstones. The recipe book would be on sale for around £3, of which 40% of the profits would go towards the Save The Bees Campaign.

The actual product could be distributed everywhere, whether it's supermarkets such as Asda, Sainsbury's or Tesco, or health food shops such as Holland and Barrett. It could even be sold in retailers such as Boots, as they often promote a healthy life style and have a whole food section for meal deals and such.

All of the products could be promoted through the use of social media, and also by contacting the campaigns and asking for their promotion. Using the internet to promote the product could also be very useful, as it would bring more traffic to the website. The website could have adverts on, which could then raise more money towards the cause.

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