Saturday 7 November 2015

OUGD504 Screen Printing The Gloss (Studio Brief Three)

As my publication isn't as glossy as I wanted and we don't have the facilities for UV Printing in university, I am going to screen print over my images with gloss. To do this, I simply need a black square the same size of my image. I am also going to screen print my front cover with gloss so it is flows with the book and reminds people of the ocean.

This is my screen now that I have developed and exposed it.

These are the screen printed images, contrasted with the original printed image. It's a incredibly subtle difference, however it's worth the extra effort as it makes the image pop out on the page more, and it symbolises the ocean.

This is my screen printed from cover. I think it's very effective and it stands out against the blue stock just as I had hoped. It's very subtle, similar to the screen printed photographs, and it can only be seen in certain lighting / at certain angles. This resembles the sun in Turkey, as it's very bright through-out the day and visibility is low compared to at night.

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